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How to Ask ChatGPT a Technical Question (BoorishBears on Hacker News)

“Any time you ask ChatGPT a technical question on something you're not familiar with it should be three parts: 1- What are the considerations?; 2- Implement it with the considerations; 3- Did we forget anything?”
July 7, 2023 1 min

This was in the context of a link to someone training / fine-tuning an LLM for the full corpus of AWS documentation. Many pointed out that ChatGPT probably does it better; lots of whining about “but ChatGPT gives me wrong answers, boo hoo hoo,” and then this gem. This gets it exactly right: one needs to skillfully guide ChatGPT and the results will be 10X better.

The full comment includes an example:

BoorishBears 10 hours ago | parent | context | favorite | on: AI for AWS Documentation

Any time you ask ChatGPT a technical question on something you’re not familiar with it should be three parts:

  • What are the considerations?

  • Implement it with the considerations

  • Did we forget anything?

It understands the need for a proxy from step 1:
